This study describes and explains the triangular relationship among the functional concepts of Dialiectics, Politics, and Cybernetics, on the basis of the new Theory of Sociophysics. According to this theory natural and cultural systems share common roots and significant similarities, therefore they are best understood by a Single Unified Model. The details of these and their underlying Triadic Interface Paradigm have been elucidated by this author in a separate monograph (Sociophysics, 1991). The significance of this presentation stems from the need to increase human control over both the social system and its natural environment. Our thesis here is that such cybernetic need is best met by strengthening political institutions through the improvement of dialectical methods. Due to the constraints of this paper, we will attempt to demonstrate that thesis by a succinct summary argument which may be elaborated separately later. We shall proceed by analyzing the relevant aspects of each of our functional concepts in three operational categories: phenomenal, logical, and behavioral. This taxonomy intersects natural, social and state variables with factual, ideal, and actual conditions. The resulting two dimensional 3 x 3 contingency matrix serves as the Table of Contents showing the nine chapters of this work, classified by parts (rows) and sections (colunns).