The impact of science and technology of modern human society is undeniable. The advances of empirical knowledge and its social applications have changed dramatically mankind's way of life. This change has brought about great benefits for people, but at the same time has created grave problems, both for individuals and collectives. Whether they are looked upon as positive or negative forces, science and technology cannot be ignored as agents of social change. The relationship between these forces and human life has therefore become the critical link in understanding how contemporary society works. With such understanding, we are better able to adjust and control the complex mechanism we have created. This study is a preliminary step in this direction. It tries to look upon the whole picture resulting from the interplay of science, technology, society and humanity. As such, of course it sacrifices detail to generality on the grounds that depth can always be provided after the broad lines have been drawn. For this reason, we have chosen to outline the overall characteristics and behaviour of modern society, and leave their specific applications in particular cases to other studies. The presentation which follows sketches the most significant elements concerning the intricate relations and interactions among various factors. In order to clarify this highly complex content, we are going to utilize the systems theory-method, which we find the best for such purpose. As will become evident presently, each chapter of this essay analyses one aspect of the social system until the end when a synthesis and evaluation concludes the whole study.