Water mains, especially old pipelines, are consistently threatened by the formation of leaks. Leaks inherit increased direct and indirect costs and impacts on various levels such as the economic field and the environmental level. Recently, financially capable municipalities are testing acoustic early detection systems that utilize wireless noise loggers. Noise loggers would be distributed throughout the water network to detect any anomalies in the network. Loggers provide early detection via recording and analyzing acoustic signals within the network. The city of Montreal adopted one of the leak detection projects in this domain and had reported that the main issue that hinders the installed system is false alarms. False alarms consume municipality resources and funds inefficiently. Therefore, this paper aims to present a novel approach to utilize more than one data analysis and classification technique to ameliorate the leak identification process. In this research, acoustic leak signals were analyzed using Fourier Transform, and the multiple frequency bandwidths were determined.Three models were developed to identify the state of the leak using Naïve Bayes (NB), Deep Learning (DL), and Decision Tree (DT) Algorithms. Each of the developed models has an accuracy ranging between 84% to 89%. An aggregator approach was developed to cultivate the collective approaches developed into one single answer. Through aggregation, the accuracy of leak detection improved from 89% at its best to 100%.The design, implementation approach and results are displayed in this paper. Using this method helps municipalities minimize and alleviate the costs of uncertain leak verifications and efficiently allocate their resources