Becoming a Russian Doll: Interrogating Representations of the Russian Mail Order Bride By Alexandra Macias Lipskaia In the contemporary media landscape, the increasing emphasis on visual and virtual communication and narrative techniques has contributed to a heightened contestation regarding representations of foreign female bodies in the West. How is the figure of the Russian woman created and perpetuated by media technologies employed by the Russian Mail Order Bride industry? How is Western popular culture appropriating these representations in ways that reinforce the “otherness” and potential danger of the Russian Mail Order Bride? In conducting a textual analysis of visual media, academic texts and first-person experiences of women in contemporary Russia, I present a performative storytelling project focusing on modern Russian women’s representations in the media, and their relationship to the Russian Mail Order Bride phenomenon. I draw on the situated knowledges of women in visual media in creating a performance-based video project that develops the visual discourse of the representation of female bodies both on screen and on the page. Keywords: Media, virtual worlds, female representation, Russian women, objectification, agency, performance, regimes of power, discourse.