Many of the pioneering indexing systems, existing in mid 1995, are no longer accessible. In the meantime, a number of new systems, such as Altavista, OpenText, Hotbots etc. have emerged. Many workers in the domain of digital virtual library feel that these newer systems have addressed many of the issues we raised in Cindi System, still under active development at Concordia.[1] The current series of tests was done in September thru October 1997 to find the number of relevant documents that would be able to located by these current search engines and evaluate the usefulness of the index entries so retrieved. Relevance of a document could be judged easily once the target set is known. We repeated the test performed in 1995 with the same search words. At the time of the test, some 325 URLs were known to contain the words "Bipin" and "Desai". These represents Web documents pertaining to the author. The complete list of these URLs is given here.