Buildings consume a substantial amount of energy and adversely affect the global climate and environment. According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), buildings account for 39% of total primary energy consumption and 71% of the electricity consumption. The construction and operation phases constitute the largest proportion of the total energy end-use worldwide (Ma et al. 2012). An innovative and comprehensive set of sustainable materials aiming at the envelope of buildings excluding the roofs is employed to define the renovation alternatives in order to ameliorate the sustainability status of the buildings. The model is comprised of a NSGA-II multi-objective optimization algorithm integrated into a simulation engine. Simulation runs are performed to compute the objective function values and transfer them to the optimization algorithm. A hybrid fuzzy simulation-based optimization model is developed to select the optimum renovation alternatives. The model simultaneously minimizes annual energy consumption and capital cost of an existing office building based on a multi-objective optimization problem. Fuzzy set theory is assigned to the objective functions to address the uncertainty associated with calculation of energy consumption and capital cost values. Conclusively, the model is implemented on a sample case to substantiate the capabilities of the developed model. The case study is a one-story office building with a double skin facade on the south facing facade in Montreal. The results illustrate nine Pareto optimal points and demonstrate that the generated optimum solutions are capable of causing an average of 35% decrease in the annual energy consumption compared to the conventional building scenario.