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Warner Brothers Pictures, and Dreamworks, 2001. DVD. American Psycho. Dir. Mary Harron. Perf. Christian Bale, Justin Theroux, and Josh Lucas. Lionsgate, 2000. DVD. American Sniper. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Perf. Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, and Kyle Wellner. Warner Brothers Pictures, 2014. DVD. A Most Violent Year. Dir. J.C. Chandor. Perf. Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, and David Oyelowo. A24, 2014. DVD. Armageddon. Dir. Michael Bay. Perf. Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorton, and Ben Affleck. Touch-stone, 1998. DVD. Avengers: Age of Ultron. Dir. Joss Whedon. Perf. Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, and James Spader. Marvel Studios, 2015. DVD. Avengers: Infinity War. Dir. Anthony and Joe Russo. Perf. Josh Brolin, Chris Pratt, and Zoe Saldana. Marvel Studios, 2018. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Dir. Zack Snyder. Perf. Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Amy Adams. Warner Brothers Pictures, 2016. DVD. Being John Malkovich. Dir. Spike Jonze. Perf. John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, and John Malkovich. Universal Pictures, 1999. DVD. Born in Flames. Dir. Lizzie Borden. Perf. Honey, Adele Bertei, and Jean Satterfield. First Run Features, 1983. DVD. Collateral Damage. Dir. Andrew Davis. Perf. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elias Koteas, and John Turturro. Warner Brothers. Pictures, 2002. DVD. Deep Impact. Dir. Mimi Leder. Perf. Robert Duvall, Téa Leoni, and Elijah Wood. Paramount Pictures,1998. DVD. Die Hard. Dir. John McTiernan. Perf. Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, and Bonnie Bedelia. 20th Century Fox, 1988. DVD. Die Hard with a Vengeance. Dir. John McTiernan Perf. Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, and Samuel L. Jackson. Twentieth Century Fox, 1995. DVD. End of Days. Dir. Peter Hyams. Perf. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, and Robin Tunney. Universal Pictures, 1999. DVD. Escape from New York. Dir. John Carpenter. Perf. Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, and Harry Dean Stanton. AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1981. DVD. Fight Club. Dir. David Fincher. Perf. Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helen Bonham Carter.Twentieth Century Fox, 1999. DVD. Fringe. Perf. Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, and John Noble. Bad Robot Production, Warner Brothers Television, 2008-2013. DVD. Godspell: A Musical Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Dir. David Greene. Perf. Victor Garber and David Haskell. Columbia Pictures, 1973. DVD. Godzilla. Dir. Roland Emmerich. Perf. Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, and Maria Pitillo. Sony Pictures ,1998. DVD. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Dir. Chris Columbus. Perf. Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, and Daniel Stern. Twentieth Century Fox, 1992. DVD. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Perf. Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, and Kiera Knightley. Paramount Pictures, 2014. DVD. Leon: The Professional. Dir. Luc Besson. Perf. Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman. Gaumont and Colombia Pictures, 1994. DVD. Manhattan. Dir. Woody Allen. Perf. Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, and Mariel Hemingway. United Artists, 1979. DVD. Man of Steel. Dir. Zack Snyder. Perf. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Michael Shannon. Warner Brothers Pictures, 2013. DVD. Marvel’s The Avengers. Dir. Joss Whedon. Perf. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo. Marvel Studios, 2012. DVD. Men in Black. Barry Sonnenfeld. Perf. Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, and Linda Fiorentino. Colombia Pictures, 1997. DVD. Men in Black II. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Perf. Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, and Rip Torn.Colombia Pictures and Falcon AS, 2002. DVD. Munich. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Perf. Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, and Geoffrey Rush. Amelin Entertainment, 2005. DVD. News From Home. Dir. Chantal Akerman. Perf. Chantal Akerman. 1977. DVD. Sex and the City. Perf. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, and Kristin Davis. Home Box Office,1998-2004. DVD. Skyscraper. Dir. Rawson M. Thurber. Perf. Dwayne Johnson, Neve Campbell, and Chin Han.Universal Pictures, 2018. Spider-Man. Dir. Sam Rami. Perf. Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst, and William Dafoe. Colombia and Sony Pictures, 2002. DVD. Spider-Man: Homecoming. Dir. Jon Watts. Perf. Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., and Michael Keaton. Marvel Studios, 2017. DVD. Super Mario Bros. Dir. Rocky Morton. Perf. Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo, and Denis Hopper.Hollywood Pictures, 1993. DVD. Taxi Driver. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Perf. Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, and Jody Foster.Colombia Pictures, 1976. DVD. Trading Places. Dir. John Landis. Perf. Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, and Ralph Bellamy. Paramount Pictures, 1983. DVD. The 25th Hour. Dir. Spike Lee. Perf. Edward Norton, Philipe Seymour Hoffman, and Barry Pepper. Touchstone, 2002. DVD. The American Friend. Dir. Wim Wenders. Perf. Bruno Ganz, Denis Hopper, and Lisa Kreuzer. Axiom Films, 1977. DVD. The Dream Team. Dir. Howard Zieff. Perf. Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, and Peter Boyle.Universal Pictures, 1989. DVD. The Killing Fields. Dir. Roland Joffé. Perf. Sam Waterston, Haing S. Ngor, and John Malkovich. Warner Brothers Pictures, 1984. DVD. The Matrix. Dir. The Wachowskis. Perf. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, and Carrie-Anne Moss. Warner Brothers Pictures, 1999. DVD. The Night Of. Perf. Riz Ahmed, John Turturro, and Bill Camp. Home Box Office, 2016. DVD. The Sopranos. Perf. James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, and Edie Falco. Home Box Office, 1999-2007. DVD. The Trial. Dir. Orson Welles. Perf. Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, and Jeanne Moreau. Astor Pictures Corporation, 1962. DVD. The Walk. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Perf. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ben Kingsley, and Patrick Baby. Sony Pictures, 2015. DVD. Vanilla Sky. Dir. Cameron Crowe. Perf. Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz. Paramount Pictures, 2001. DVD. War of the Worlds. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Perf. Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, and Morgan Freeman, Paramount and Dreamworks Pictures, 2005. DVD. Watchmen. Dir. Zack Snyder. Perf. Jackie Earle Haley, Patrick Wilson, and Malin Akerman. Warner Brothers Pictures, 2009. DVD. Zoolander. Dir. Ben Stiller. Perf. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, and Will Ferrell. Vintage Roadside Pictures, 2001. DVD.