ABSTRACT Seismic Performance of Steel Buildings with Braced Dual Configuration and Traditional Frame Systems through Nonlinear Collapse Simulations Yudong Wang Traditional concentrically braced frames, CBF, are stiff and provide limited to moderate ductility, while moment resisting frames, MRF, are able to dissipate seismic energy when undergoing large lateral displacements. However, these traditional earthquake resistant systems do not show uniformly distributed damage along the building height. Changes in structural proprieties during nonlinear hysteresis behaviour may lead to drift concentration and weak-storey response. Moreover, both traditional systems are susceptible to long-duration subduction earthquakes. The pursuit of these issues led to the concept of utilizing multiple-resisting structural systems that act progressively so that the overall seismic resistance is not significantly reduced during long-duration earthquakes. The structural system consisting of a rigid braced frame that provides primary stable cyclic behavior and a moment frame acting as a backup system with good flexural behavior is the steel Braced Dual System studied herein. The objectives of this study are: a) to investigate the seismic response of steel Braced Dual building from yielding to failure, as well as, to identify the types of failure mechanism; b) to assess the seismic response of Braced Dual System against the traditional MRFs and CBFs with moderate ductility through incremental dynamic analysis; c) to evaluate the effect of long duration subduction earthquakes versus crustal type earthquakes on these building systems through collapse safety criteria using FEMA P695 procedure and to assess the probability of exceeding defined performance levels using fragility analysis. To carry out these objectives, detail numerical models were developed using the OpenSees framework. The prototype 8-storey office building is located on firm soil in Vancouver, B.C. and is subjected to two sets of crustal and subduction ground motions. Two traditional earthquake resistant systems (MD-CBF, MD-MRF) and the Braced Dual System are considered. Design is conducted according to NBCC2015 and CSA/S16-14. From nonlinear time history analysis, the following results are reported: for the Braced Dual System, two types of failure mechanism involving either one floor or two adjacent floors (in general the bottom floors) were identified which also involve flexural yielding of MRF beam of critical floors; the Braced Dual System provides larger ductility than the MD-CBF, shows significant increase of seismic resistant capacity for similar seismic demands, provides the largest collapse margin ratio and collapse safety capacity under both earthquake types. In addition, the building with Braced Dual System shows a progressive seismic behavior and a more uniform damage distribution along the building height. From fragility analysis resulted that at Collapse Prevention (CP) limit state, the Braced Dual System experiences 100% probability of exceedance after it was subjected to two times larger seismic demand than the MD-CBF or MD-MRF systems. All studied structural systems are sensitive to long duration subduction earthquake.