In the present case study, a SEL initiative entitled the #WeCare approach was designed and implemented over a two-year time span within EM Elementary School. Through the support of school administration, the #WeCare approach provided staff training, curriculum modifications, construction of a multisensory environment room, as well as online interactive digital support tools to help teachers and support staff integrate SEL skills within their classrooms. A total of 23 teachers and support staff participated in initial training sessions, while 11 participants completed online surveys reporting on the results, including 3 participants who agreed to be interviewed in depth about their experiences. Results of surveys and interviews were analyzed and coded into four main themes including: the need for a proactive school climate, pedagogy using the RULER approach (Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing and Regulating emotions), Behaviour Management for the Digital Child, and Self-Regulation Strategies using the Harmony Room. Findings state that there was a positive climate change, where teachers created a safe and supportive environment for students. There need for further training was discussed by participants and that the teachers were motivated to implement the changes recommended. Potential limitations of the present study are discussed, and avenues for future research are highlighted with the focus of parental involvement in the #WeCare approach.