Fluid interaction of micro structures find numerous applications in bio medical field. This thesis consists of experimental studies on fluid interaction of micro structures under laminar flow using a mini wind tunnel. The interaction of microstructures such as micro cantilever and oil coated water droplet with fluid flow were tested and the experimental results are reported. A mini wind tunnel to test microstructures is designed and built. Design of the mini wind tunnel is validated by performing tip deflection studies of micro cantilever beams of different sizes in millimeter range. The interaction of micro cantilever beam with fluid flow is recorded using a recording camera. An image processing method is developed to extract results from recordings. Results from micro cantilever experiments suggest that tip deflection is highly influenced by beam length and beam thickness. Deformation of oil coated water droplets are tested under fluid flow. The micro structure is placed over a partially wetting surface and the deformation of the oil-droplet samples are tested using the mini wind tunnel. Effects of fluid velocity, droplet volume and oil concentration over droplet deformation are studied. Larger droplets deform more as compared to their smaller counterparts. Oil layer covers the water droplet entirely and reduces the influence of fluid force. Higher oil coating induces lesser deformation in droplets Oil coated droplets are subjected to fluid velocities greater than critical air velocity of the droplets to study the droplet shedding phenomena. Oil coated droplet slip easily as compared to the droplet with no oil coatings for a given fluid velocity. Also, oil coating improve the droplet shedding phenomena. However much higher oil coating slows down droplet shedding and the water droplet floats over pool of oil. Tip deflection of a microcantilever beam with a point load near the free end under the fluid flow is studied to develop fluid load augmented micro balance. Water droplets of various sizes are used to provide point load. The water droplet is placed over micro cantilever beam at dimensionless length ΞΎ =0.8. An additional fluid load is provided using a mini wind tunnel. Tip deflection of the beam is tested for different fluid velocities. Results suggest that fluid load augments the tip deflection of micro cantilever beam. This thesis also develops fluid load augmented micro balance.