Scheduling is one of the crucial issues in the project planning phase. Completing the project in the desired duration with the available resources with minimum cost is a big challenge for project managers. In the recent decades, several approaches have been proposed to deal with the resource constraints in scheduling. It can create a serious bottleneck and drastically change the flow of the activities. Moreover, resource constrains can change the project duration in crashing the project even if the activity (which creates the bottleneck) is not on the critical path. To address this issue, a new approach for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling (RCPS) is proposed when the remanufacturing option for some activities is available in order to crash the project. In this research, first a mathematical model for RCPS is presented. Then, a new algorithm is proposed to shorten the project duration by activating remanufacturing line (if possible) or paying the crash cost. The proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and some computational experiments have been done to demonstrate the effectiveness and sensitivity of the proposed procedures. The algorithm is also validated on a practical case study which is a manufacturing industry in the northern Ontario.