Montreal's Gay Village: outlawed, out-dated, or just out late? Through a multi-generational queer oral history, this research-creation documentary project explores Montreal's Gay Village, a neighbourhood that is in an economic downturn. By unearthing the neighbourhood's and community's heavily charged history through the personal stories of local community members, this documentary project offers contextualization to a place that is changing rapidly. By including LGBTQ+ community members of all ages, this documentary attempts to put multiple generations of queer people in conversation with one another as the dynamic relationships between the place, its history, interpretations of its history, and individual's varying lived experiences within the space are examined. How has the evolution of Montreal's Gay Village both as a place (physically) and a space (its socio-political positioning) impacted identities - both personal and communal? How does intergenerational dialogue, or a lack thereof, contribute to an understanding of spaces and their significance, both symbolic and material?