This thesis is a study on movement. Movement is defined as the relational and transitional activity of ecologies of experience that can not be recognized in legible categories of subject and object nor knower and known. Movement is what happens at the interstices of what can be recognized in clear and distinct sense perception. Through these indistinct relations and transitions in return, movement generates perceptions, environments, and bodies. The disciplines lending techniques to study the indistinct quality of movement are those of process and affect philosophy, somatic practices, and choreography. These carry conceptual and practical techniques to live the research immanently, without establishing a distance from experience that would return to a clear and distinct perspective. This lived research is done through three separated but mutually included scenarios: the ‘intervals of perception’, the ‘architectures of experience’, and the ‘schizosomatics’. Every scenario researches while it gives shape to techniques: the interstices of perception, the emergent architectures of the ecologies of experience, and transversal modes of embodiment. If this study were to be a proposition for certain questions, it can be said, retrospectively, that the questions would be the following ones: assuming there are ontogenetic power operations shifting the way in which the relational and transitional movements emerge to generate perceptions, environments, and bodies, could these techniques shaped be of help to those movements that are less capacitated to emerge? And secondly: assuming that today’s theories of perception —influenced by the separation between the ‘conceptual’ and the ‘physical’ (rationalism, empiricism) and also influenced by the internalization of experience inside a distinct category of the human (phenomenology)— give fewer chances to register the ontogenetic operations in movement, can this study offer an alternative philosophical frame to register emergent power?