The dissertation text accompanies the thesis project - The reader is encouraged to begin by browsing the website prior to reading the text and then continue moving between the text and website while reading. To facilitate this, in the text there are hyperlinked [brackets] that appear prior to citations from the contributing artists. The brackets indicate the minute and second when the citation can be heard in the audio-visual portrait. By clicking on the link, the reader will be led to the web page with the corresponding audio-visual portrait. The screenshots of the web pages below are also hyperlinked as are the URLs for the artists’ respective professional websites. All dissertations are uploaded to Spectrum (Concordia University's open access research repository) in PDF/A which is a format that can deactivate hyperlinks. The links can be reactivated by disabling the “PDF/A View Mode”. To do this, follow these instructions in Adobe Acrobat: 1. From the Edit menu, select “Preferences”; 2. Click the “Documents” category ; 3. Select “Never” in the PDF/A View Mode drop-down list. For readers who do not have access to the website, a visual overview of the website is provided below. Screenshots of the web pages are provided below along with the artists’ biographies. The twelve audio-visual portraits presented online are also available to download from Spectrum, (Concordia University's open access research repository). The “Reflections to walk with” which accompany each audio-visual portrait online are provided in Appendix F. The proposed questions are inspired by the artists’ insights and are intended as points of departure for further consideration about the significance of walking as a pedagogical force.