A product’s environments play a significant role in its development. In other words, any alteration in the environment surrounding a product leads to changes in its features. Hence, having a systematic procedure to analyze the product’s environments is a crucial need for industries. Environment-Based Design (EBD) methodology describes the environment of the product (excluding the product itself) and presents a rational approach to analyze it. In order to achieve an efficient product design and development process, EBD utilizes different tools. Recursive Object Model (ROM) diagram, Cause and Effect Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, Asking Right Question and Answering are EBD’s major tools and technics. In this research, we aim to represent EBD’s capabilities for product evolution analysis, complex products development and human-centered products development. In order to demonstrate EBD’s competences for product evolution analysis, we conduct a case study of braking systems evolution analysis through analyzing the environments around them. Afterward, we perform environment analysis for aerospace design methodology in order to propose a novel design methodology for the aerospace industries. Finally, we propose a course scheduling model based on environment analysis of the academic schedules and we verify our model using Concordia University’s courses.