The purpose of this research study was to explore the perspectives of early childhood educators in Quebec on the prospect of incorporating gender diverse topics into their preschool classrooms. The study addressed two broad research questions: 1. How do early childhood educators respond to gender diversity materials? and 2. What are the teachers’ thoughts about including gender diversity in early childhood settings with young children? The researcher conducted two focus group sessions with a total of seven educators. During these focus group interviews, educators were encouraged to examine the materials provided, including children’s books and toys, and participate in a discussion led by the researcher. Participants shared their perspectives, feelings and experiences towards incorporating gender diversity into their classrooms. Findings from the study revealed five emerging themes, related to: gender diversity as a topic in EC curriculum, materials presented in the focus groups, societal issues, school administration, and parental issues. The results of the study demonstrate that the educators supported incorporating gender diversity as an important means to create an understanding of individual differences, to bring awareness to the children, and to create inclusive classrooms. All the child care educators displayed a particular interest in using children’s literature as a means to present the topic in their classrooms. They discussed the simplicity the books offered in introducing such complex topics, compared to using the toys presented in the focus groups. However, many of the participants displayed uneasiness in how to address and discuss the topic without clear curricular guidelines or administrative support, and disclosed their fear of receiving criticism from parents. These conversations revealed the teachers’ wariness of the topic and their shared perspective that society may not be ready for such a shift in the early childhood classroom.