This paper discusses the shear and torsion induced in low-rise and medium-rise buildings, according to wind load specifications provided in NBCC 2015. Results from experimental studies, carried out in wind tunnels were compared with corresponding NBCC 2015 provisions under different upstream roughness conditions. These comparisons demonstrated notable discrepancies for the case of torsion in low-rise buildings. Further, comparisons between the wind load specifications given in NBCC 2015 and ASCE/SEI 7-10 standard were carried out. Following both sets of provisions, wind-induced shear and torsion were computed and compared for five low-rise and medium-rise buildings with the same horizontal dimensions but different heights. Emphasis was directed towards the cases that create maximum shear forces and (or) maximum torsions to reflect critical design conditions. For low-rise buildings, the ASCE/SEI-7-10 and NBCC-2015 yield similar shear coefficients but quite different torsional coefficients; while for medium-rise buildings, clear agreement was found, for both shear and torsion. The diversity of the results is discussed and some suggestions for improvement of code provisions are made. A definition for medium-rise buildings was provided.