That no one pays for their porn anymore has become something of an adage of internet culture, given that seemingly endless porn content now exists on free streaming tubesites. What’s more, the type of pornography content being produced and promoted to users has shifted dramatically in the decade since tubesites first appeared online. In this thesis, I investigate the organizational tactics of one major player in the porn world through the website As entities like MindGeek (the parent company of PornHub) consolidate media market control in an oligopolistic mode, they also gain influence over what types of pornography can be made profitable. A scarcity of data surrounding privately held porn companies further complicates the study of this supply chain. Using a blend of pornography and platform studies, and by way of a digital walkthrough method, I will overcome the opacity that surrounds PornHub to make their organizational choices clear. By analyzing the operations and strategic choices of the platform, this project will reveal ways in which the platform manages user attention and renders porn media production contingent to their operations.