Physical activity is integrated in preventive health programs due to its health-related benefits. Increasing physical activity levels in children and adolescents is a global objective that focuses in cognitive, affective, and behavioral factors. Physical literacy and models of motor development suggest a positive association between movement competence and physical activity. Poor movement competence is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and is a risk factor for musculoskeletal injury. Promoting physical activity and sports participation is crucial; however, participating in physical activity and sports has been related to increased risk of musculoskeletal injury. Assessments of physical literacy and movement competence are mainly focused on motor development factors, but injury prevention techniques are not considered in these assessments. Our objective was to establish the face and content validity of four movement skills, each with four evaluation criteria, to create a movement skills assessment tool for 8-12-year-old children to fill the gap between movement competence and injury prevention assessments. We used a modified Delphi method to survey an international expert panel of clinicians, researchers, and practitioners (n=22). Three rounds of surveys were used to achieve consensus on the validity of four movement skills and evaluation criteria. Consensus was achieved when 75% or more of the experts scored “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” using a 5-point Likert scale. In the first and second Delphi-rounds, the expert panel achieved consensus on the validity of eight movement skills and 53 evaluation criteria. In the third round, the experts ranked the movement skills and evaluation criteria to identify the top four movement skills and top four evaluation criteria per movement skill to create the movement skills assessment tool. This study provided preliminary validity evidence for the movement skills assessment tool. Future research should evaluate other psychometric properties and assess injury outcomes of a movement-oriented intervention. The movement skills assessment tool will be used to screen movement competence and identify movement patterns that present risk factors for musculoskeletal injury in different settings with minimal equipment.