Confronting with various kinds of packaging design elements, consumers face the challenge of integrating meanings conveyed by different cues into a relatively holistic impression. Much work so far has focused on the examination of the importance of symbolic congruence among various marketing cues. However, controlled studies with respect to congruence effects of packaging cues on consumer responses are sparse. In an effort to fill this gap, the current study explores how a congruent or incongruent of symbolic meanings expressed by two visual packaging cues (i.e., package shape and label color) affects consumers’ cognitive (i.e., brand credibility), affective (i.e., brand aesthetics), and behavioral (i.e., purchase intention) responses. In addition, processing fluency and uncertainty avoidance are also included as measured factors to investigate the mechanism underlying the congruence effects and the possible moderation effects. The results of the experimental studies have revealed that brand credibility, brand aesthetics and purchase intention ratings are positively affected by the symbolic congruence of shape and color, and such effects are mediated by the extent to which people can process the information fluently (i.e., processing fluency). Moreover, it has been found that the influence of processing fluency on brand credibility is more prominent for individuals with high rather than low level of uncertainty avoidance. The results of the study might provide new insights to the domain of congruence effects as well as practical guidelines for the release of new fast-moving consumer products.