The world is witnessing the largest trans-border migration waves in history. Immigrants and refugees from around the world are trying to build their lives in host countries. Most are survivors of major traumas and they are trying to adjust to a new culture and learning a new language. This is a literature-based thesis in view of activating some components for an inclusive learning framework for refugees. After a review of Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory and Dewey’s Theory of Experience and Education, the focus is placed on the educational experiences and voices of adult refugees and their children with examples drawn from a variety of geographic and institutional contexts. These stories provide insight into some of the strengths and limits of existing educational programs to which adult and school aged refugees are exposed to in the host country. The understanding of refugee expectations could be beneficial for educators as a way to facilitate the integration of the new learners in the new learning environment. The crucial role of the community in helping the newcomers to integrate in the adoptive society is also examined. Finally, positive programs and strategies that have been introduced both at the individual and institutional levels are reviewed. It emerges from this literature review that significant changes at all levels of the educational system are needed to better meet the needs of refugees. Some strategies towards a more inclusive learning framework for refugees as well as education for all are illustrated in summary tables throughout the thesis.