This is a practice-based project that critically and creatively explores the figuration of the mother-daughter dyad through a situated feminist research-creation approach. This project understands research-creation as a knowledge-making practice, which interweaves critical theoretical analysis with creative processes of representation. This mode of knowledge-making enables both the production of an original video work as the centrepiece of the project, as well as a critical reflexive breakdown of the process of creation as part of a written component. Working from the interdisciplinary domain of communication and feminist media studies and drawing from a history of feminist film theory and video making, this thesis project engages with debates related to the writing and reading of gendered experience. This project contributes to a cultural history of representations of the mother-daughter dyad in and through self-reflexive film and video making. Specifically, this examination is put into practice through the production of a situated autoethnographic video of a mother-daughter relationship.