My thesis deals with the integration of Algerian immigrants in Montreal in relation to their linguistic practices and attitudes. More concretely, it intends to raise the following main issue: Algerian immigrants are francophones, and Quebec builds its integration policy on the French language; however, these immigrants seem to be the least integrated in the province. This leads one to ask an important question: is mastering the host country’s language a sufficient condition for the integration of immigrants? I approach this issue under the angles of two disciplines which are Linguistic Anthropology and Immigration studies. Through a methodology based on a deep and continuous immersion, the aim of my study is to report on the mode and the degree of adaptation of Algerian immigrants to the Quebecois society. In this way, I plan to contribute in shedding light on the problematic of cultural diversity and coexistence of different communities. Moreover, my study is interesting because it deals with a theme that is not yet much researched as Algerian immigration to Quebec is quite recent. My study shows that both the Quebec government and the Algerian immigrants are making efforts towards the integration of these migrants. Although the latter still face problems of unemployment, discrimination and cultural adaptation, their activities in different domains attest that they have come to Quebec with a will to stay. The success of their integration requires the overcoming of the prejudices that they and the host society have towards each other.