The following thesis is intended to be an exploration on the current literature discussing forgiveness and applying it in the context of sexual abuse. While there are many Biblical commands to forgive and to love thy neighbour, sexual violence continues to be an issue in most parts of the world. This thesis looks at the Biblical applications of forgiveness, how certain applications of it have been harmful for Christian survivors, and and if it can be applied in a culturally sensitive and psychological helpful manner. This thesis also examines the nature of trauma, both in the psychology community and in Biblical narratives such as the Book of Job and the Rape of Tamar in 2 Samuel. The impacts of sexual abuse are numerous: the survivor is found with psychological impact (such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), potential physiological impact, and a breakdown of the self and relationships in community and faith. This thesis found that the spiritual needs of survivors are unique because they run counter to Christian beliefs. While Christians are taught to see a loving, Father God, survivors may reflect their own trauma and instead, see an all-powerful dominating God. While calls to forgive abusers can be callous in some scenarios, the application of forgiveness of the self can be helpful in forging a restorative relationship with God.