The aim of this paper is to propose an intervention design to facilitate intimacy and physical contact in a trauma-informed drama therapy group with older adults in assisted living. This study is an abridged intervention research that includes a literature review and a proposal for an intervention program structure, but does not include an assessment of the proposed intervention. The literature review spans findings on the importance of touch, impacts of abuse and neglect on the nervous system, development and sexuality of older adults, ageism, policy of sexual expression in assisted living, and group drama therapy. Survival responses from complex trauma, changes in health and physical ability, and systemic and internalized ageism can lead to isolation, a loss of bodily agency, and low social engagement. These factors can impede an individual’s ability to find intimacy and opportunity for sexual expression. In this intervention, group therapy for this population could help restore intimacy when it involves play, body movement, and metaphor. The proposed intervention outlines a model based on polyvagal theory and drama therapy for reducing isolation, increasing bodily autonomy, and increasing socialization.