This arts-based heuristic research explores my personal process of living with fibromyalgia, while examining Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and therapeutic self-exploration using the arts as empowering tools to increase quality of life. The personal exploration of MBSR and influence of art therapy techniques, combined with the flow of the moment, created empowering self-refection and a variety of art-based and awareness self-care experiences. I stayed alert to how my self-exploration could inform my future art-therapy practice. I observed my self-exploration experiences through the lens of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC). I noted how the qualities of the materials, the mindful mind/body connection, and awareness of the nervous system informed my personally creative experiences. I explored and interpreted my knowledge of MBSR, art therapy, dance movement therapy, and music therapy to connect with myself in an authentic and creative manner. I was able to be aware of myself in the present moment without judgment, and to creatively interpret my present moment. I interpreted my mind and body in my creations and my creations interpreted my lived experience of my mind and body. For example, visual art could embody tension and release while the movement and rhythm of music could embody tension and release.