As every nation in the world continues its pursuit for everlasting economic growth, global temperatures are increasing at an alarming rate. For decades, scholars have warned about human impacts on the environment, cautioning us on our exhaustive use of resources and the implications of our seemingly innate need to grow economically. It has been asserted that economic growth is not sustainable, and its contraction is unavoidable due to natural limits, therefore any research on managing and prospering without growth is of great value. Degrowth has been put forth as an alternative paradigm, and as the movement is required to be democratic and collective, public opinions are crucial for its mobilization. Accordingly, public opinions on the matter need to be evaluated in order to assess the potential for implementing degrowth policies. Public opinion studies on degrowth are scarce, especially in North America. This study aims to contribute to the literature by assessing public opinions on degrowth in Montréal, by collecting data on support for 6 degrowth policy proposals (limiting trade distances and volume, creating a moratorium on new infrastructure, taxing resource use, progressive taxation, implementing a basic income and reducing work hours), and support for a societal degrowth transition. I find that the majority of respondents support 4 out of 6 policy proposals, and the majority also support a degrowth transition. This study shows Montréal to be a promising city for experimenting with degrowth politics. Establishing concrete strategies for its implementation that address public concerns could prove degrowth to be a promising avenue for achieving social-environmental sustainability.