Recently, the researchers have tried to use dynamic pose correction methods to improve the accuracy of industrial robots. The application of dynamic path tracking aims at adjusting the end-effector’s pose by using a photogrammetry sensor and eye-to-hand PBVS scheme. In this study, the research aims to enhance the accuracy of industrial robot by designing a chattering-free digital sliding mode controller integrated with a novel adaptive robust Kalman filter (ARKF) validated on Puma 560 model on simulation. This study includes Gaussian noise generation, pose estimation, design of adaptive robust Kalman filter, and design of chattering-free sliding mode controller. The designed control strategy has been validated and compared with other control strategies in Matlab 2018a Simulink on a 64bits PC computer. The main contributions of the research work are summarized as follows. First, the noise removal in the pose estimation is carried out by the novel ARKF. The proposed ARKF deals with experimental noise generated from photogrammetry observation sensor C-track 780. It exploits the advantages of adaptive estimation method for states noise covariance (Q), least square identification for measurement noise covariance (R) and a robust mechanism for state variables error covariance (P). The Gaussian noise generation is based on the collected data from the C-track when the robot is in a stationary status. A novel method for estimating covariance matrix R considering both effects of the velocity and pose is suggested. Next, a robust PBVS approach for industrial robots based on fast discrete sliding mode controller (FDSMC) and ARKF is proposed. The FDSMC takes advantage of a nonlinear reaching law which results in faster and more accurate trajectory tracking compared to standard DSMC. Substituting the switching function with a continuous nonlinear reaching law leads to a continuous output and thus eliminating the chattering. Additionally, the sliding surface dynamics is considered to be a nonlinear one, which results in increasing the convergence speed and accuracy. Finally, the analysis techniques related to various types of sliding mode controller have been used for comparison. Also, the kinematic and dynamic models with revolutionary joints for Puma 560 are built for simulation validation. Based on the computed indicators results, it is proven that after tuning the parameters of designed controller, the chattering-free FDSMC integrated with ARKF can essentially reduce the effect of uncertainties on robot dynamic model and improve the tracking accuracy of the 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot.