The advent of the computer in architectural design process not only has improved precision and increased speed of architectural drawings, but has also had a substantial effect on the design process. Consequently, it has weakened the role of architects to be merely rule setters who do not depend on their visual knowledge to innovate aesthetically pleasing forms. Therefore, the new generation of architects just define the geometrical rules and mathematical connections between them; then, the computer software generates a complex final version form, which can be edited simply by changing a specific variable. This complexity, which is provided by parametric computerized design, has been mostly applied on exteriors of buildings, so at first glance the building exteriors looks like a pleasing sculpture which catches the eye of the viewer. However, indoor space design, which is one of the most important parts of any architectural project, has received less attention due to the over emphasis on exterior aesthetic requirements. This computerize way of architectural design leads to superficial aesthetics where the indoor space quality is not compatible with the outer building envelope. As case studies, architectural competitions and proposals will be examined due to the lack of precedents in this design area. This paper seeks to highlight the coherency between the indoor quality and exterior façade which is designed through parametric design process. To do this, a set of different views of indoor and outdoor spaces of some parametric buildings will presented to architecture students and they will be asked to match them, which means they are tasked with finding both outdoor and indoor views of each building.