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Archie Mayo. Perf. Paul Muni, Bette Davis, Margaret Lindsay. 1935. Film. Boys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Henry Hull. 1938. Film. The Bride Wore Red. Perf. Dorothy Arzner. Perf. Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone, Robert Young. 1937. Film. The Celluloid Closet. Dir. Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. 1995. DVD. Chinatown. Dir. Roman Polanski. Perf. Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston. 1974. Film. Chris Rock: Never Scared. Director Joel Gallen. 2004. HBO. Television. Christopher Strong. Dir. Dorothy Arzner. Perf. Katharine Hepburn, Colin Clive, Billie Burke. 1933. Film. “Comedy- A Serious Business.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. The Corn Is Green. Dir. Irving Rapper. Perf. Bette Davis, John Dall, Nigel Bruce. 1945. Film. Curtain Call. Dir. Frank Woodruff. Perf. Barbara Read, Alan Mowbray, Helen Vinson. 1940. Film. Dance, Girl, Dance. Dir. Dorothy Arzner. Perf. 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Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready. 1946. Film. Girl 27. Dir. David Stenn. 2007. Film. The Goddess. Dir. John Cromwell. Perf. Kim Stanley, Lloyd Bridges, Steven Hill. 1958. Film. Gold Diggers of 1933. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. Perf. Warren William, Joan Blondell, Aline MacMahon. 1933. Film. Gold Diggers of 1935. Dir. Busby Berkeley. Perf. Dick Powell, Adolphe Menjou, Gloria Stewart. 1935. Film. The Golden Arrow. Dir. Alfred E. Green. Perf. Bette Davis, George Brent, Eugene Pallette. 1936. Film. Golden Gate Girls. Dir. Louisa Wei. 2013. Film. Gone With the Wind. Dir. Victor Fleming, George Cukor. Perf. Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Thomas Mitchell. 1939. Film. The Grapes of Wrath. Dir. John Ford. Perf. Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine. 1940. Film. HBO. “The Difference Between The NFL and the NBA Featuring LeBron James and Todd Gurley- The Shop- HBO.” Online video clip. YouTube. December 20, 2018. Web. Accessed March 12, 2019. Hail, Caesar! Dir. Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. Perf. 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Television. “In the Beginning.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. Jezebel. Dir. William Wyler. Perf. Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, George Brent. 1938. Film. Johnson, Chris. “Esther Williams 2007 Interview.” Online video clip. Youtube. August 6, 2009. Web. Accessed March 26, 2016. The Killers. Dir. Robert Siodmak. Perf. Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Edmond O’Brien. 1946. Film. Kitty Foyle. Dir. Sam Wood. Perf. Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan, James Craig. 1940. Film. Lacy, Susan and Stephen Sept. “Judy Garland: By Myself.” American Masters. Susan Lacy. PBS. New York, NY. February 25, 2004. Television. L.A. Confidential. Dir. Curtis Hanson. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce. 1997. Film. Los Angeles Film Noir. Dirs. Julia Kuperberg and Clara Kuperberg. 2015. Film. Ladies of Leisure. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. Barbara Stanwyck, Ralph Graves, Lowell Sherman. 1930. Film. Ladies of the Chorus. Dir. Phil Karlson. Perf. Adele Jergens, Marilyn Monroe, Rand Brooks. 1948. Film. The Lady from Shanghai. Dir. Orson Welles. Perf. Rita Hayworth, Orson Welles, Everett Stone. 1947. Film. The Last Tycoon. Dir. Elia Kazan. Perf. Robert De Niro, Tony Curtis, Robert Mitchum. 1976. Film. The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. “Amber Tamblyn Describes Our ‘Era of Ignition’”. Online video clip. YouTube. March 6, 2019. Web. Accessed March 7, 2019. A Life of Her Own. Dir. George Cukor. Perf. Lana Turner, Ray Milland, Tom Ewell. 1950. Film. Little Annie Rooney. Dir. William Beaudine. Perf. Mary Pickford, William Haines, Walter James. 1925. Film. The Little Foxes. Dir. William Wyler. Perf. Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, Teresa Wright. 1941. Film. “Liza Minnelli.” Inside the Actor’s Studio. Sabrina Fodor and Jeff Wurtz. Bravo. New York, NY. February 5, 2006. Television. Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu. Dir. Hugh Munro Neely. 1998. Film. Lulu in Berlin. Dir. Richard Leacock. 1984. Film. Ma L'Amor Mio non Muore. Dir. Mario Caserini. Perf. Lyda Borelli, Mario Bonnard, and Gian Paolo Rosmino. 1913. Film. Maid, Uncredited. Dir. Kerry McElroy. Perf. Theresa Harris. 2013. Film. “The Man With the Megaphone.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. Many, E.W.R. “Noel Coward on Acting.” Online video clip. YouTube. 2014. Web. Accessed December 1, 2019. Marilyn, Dernières Séances. Dir. Patrick Jeudy. Perf. Marilyn Monroe, Yves Montand, Simone Signoret. December 4, 2008. Paris, France. Television. Marilyn Monroe History. “Marilyn Monroe- The Last Interview.” Online video clip. YouTube. November 26, 2013. Web. Accessed March 30, 2019. Web. “Marilyn on Marilyn.” Paul Kerr. BBC. December, 28, 2001. London, UK. Television. “Michelle Pfeiffer: Abuse of Women in Hollywood Is ‘Systemic’.” Online video clip. BBC. November 15, 2017. Web. Mildred Pierce. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Perf. Joan Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachary Scott. 1945. Film. Million Dollar Mermaid. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. Perf. Esther Williams, Victor Mature, Walter Pidgeon. 1952. Film. Modern Times. Dir. Charles Chaplin. Perf. Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Henry Bergman. 1936. Film. Moulin Rouge. Dir. Sidney Lanfield. Perf. Constance Bennett, Franchot Tone, Tullio Carminati. 1934. Film. MsMonroe03. “Marilyn Monroe: Anyone Can See I Love You.” Online video clip. YouTube. September 30, 2008. Web. Accessed February 20, 2019. Film. Mulholland Drive. Dir. David Lynch. Perf. Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux. 2001. Film. Of Human Bondage. Dir. John Cromwell. Perf. Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Frances Dee. 1934. Film. The Open Mind. “Gloria Steinem on Marilyn Monroe.” 1987. Television. Accessed March 9, 2019. Web. Oscars. “Hattie McDaniel Winning Best Supporting Actress.” Online video clip. YouTube. September 27, 2011. Web. Accessed March 5, 2019. Web. Our Blushing Brides. Dir. Harry Beaumont. Perf. Joan Crawford, Robert Montgomery, Anita Page. 1930. Film. Our Dancing Daughters. Dir. 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Television. Prix de beauté. Dir. Augusto Genina. Perf. Louise Brooks, Georges Charlia, Augusto Bandini. 1930. Film. Rapsodica Satanica. Dir. Nino Oxilia. Perf. Lyda Borelli, Andrea Habay, Ugo Bazzini. 1915. Film. Red-Headed Woman. Dir. Jack Conway. Perf. Jean Harlow, Chester Morris, Lewis Stone. 1932. Film. Return to Babylon. Dir. Alex Monty Canawati. Perf. Jennifer Tilly, Maria Conchita Alonso, Tippi Hedren. 2013. Film. SOH Talks and Ideas. “How To Be a Feminist Panel, All About Women 2015.” Online video clip. YouTube. March 9, 2015. Web. Accessed July 8, 2019. The Saturday Night Kid. Dir. Edward Sutherland. Perf. Clara Bow, Jean Arthur, James Hall. 1929. Film. Saturday Night Live. “Actress Round Table- SNL.” Online video clip. YouTube. October 2, 2016. Web. Accessed February 20, 2019. Television. Saturday Night Live. “Film Panel.” Online video clip. YouTube. May 13, 2017. Web. Accessed February 20, 2019. Television. Saturday Night Live. “Film Screening.” Online video clip. YouTube. February 4, 2017. Web. Accessed February 20, 2019. Television. The Scar of Shame. Dir. Frank Perugini. Perf. Harry Henderson, Norman Johnstone, Ann Kennedy. 1929. Film. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Dir. Stanley Donen. Perf. Jane Powell, Howard Keel, Jeff Richards. 1954. Film. Show Girl. Dir. Alfred Santell. Perf. Alice White, Donald Reed, Lee Moran. 1928. Film. Show Girl in Hollywood. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. Perf. Alice White, Jack Mulhall, Blanche Sweet. 1930. Film. Show People. Dir. King Vidor. Perf. Marion Davies, William Haines, Dell Henderson. 1928. Film. Showboat. Dir. James Whale. Perf. Irene Dunne, Alan Jones, Charles Winninger. 1936. Film. Showboat. Dir. George Sidney. Perf. Kathryn Grayson, Ava Gardner, Howard Keel. 1951. Film. Singin’ In the Rain. Dirs. Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly. Perf. Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Debbie Reynolds. 1952. Film. “Single Beds and Double Standards.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. Souls For Sale. Dir. Rupert Hughes. Perf. Eleanor Boardman, Frank Mayo, Richard Dix. 1923. Film. Stage Door. Dir. Gregory La Cava. Perf. Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Adolphe Menjou. 1937. Film. The Star. Dir. Stuart Heisler. Perf. Bette Davis, Sterling Hayden, Natalie Wood. 1952. Film. A Star is Born. Dir. William A. Wellman. Perf. Janet Gaynor, Fredric March, Adolphe Menjou. 1937. Film. A Star is Born. Dir. George Cukor. Perf. Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson. 1954. Film. “Star Treatment.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. Stella Dallas. Dir. by King Vidor. Perf. Barbara Stanwyck, John Boles, Anne Shirley. 1937. Film. Stella Maris. Dir. Marshall Neilan. Perf. Mary Pickford, Ida Waterman, Herbert Standing. 1918. Film. Strong Opinions Loosely Held. “Why Rosanna Arquette Was Blacklisted From Hollywood.” Online video clip. August 20, 2018. Facebook. Accessed March 26, 2019. Web. Sunflower4morning. “Bette Davis on The Dick Cavett Show- Complete.” Online video clip. YouTube. November 20, 2019. Accessed December 16, 2019. Web. Sunset Boulevard. Dir. Billy Wilder. Perf. William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich von Stroheim. 1950. Film. “Swanson and Valentino.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. That’s Dancing! Dir. Jack Haley, Jr. 1985. Film. That’s Entertainment! Dir. Bud Friedgen. 1974. Film. That’s Entertainment! II. Dir. Gene Kelly. 1976. Film. That’s Entertainment! III. Dir. Bud Friedgen and Michael J. Sheridan. 1994. They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? Dir. Sydney Pollack. Perf. Jane Fonda, Michael Sarrazin, Susannah York. 1969. Film. Three On a Match. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. Perf. Joan Blondell, Ann Dvorak, Bette Davis. 1932. Film. “Trick of the Light.” Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film. ITV. 1980. Television. The Trouble With Merle. Dir. Maree Delofski. 2002. Film. 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Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell. 1939. Film. Women Who Act. Dir. Barry Avrich. 2015. Film. WTF Podcast with Marc Maron. “Amber Tamblyn- WTF Podcast with Marc Maron #591.” Online audio clip. Stitcher. April 5, 2015. Web. Accessed February 22, 2019. WTF Podcast with Marc Maron. “Amber Tamblyn- WTF Podcast with Marc Maron #924.” Online audio clip. Stitcher. June 14, 2018. Web. Accessed February 22, 2019.