This integrative literature review investigated, synthesized, and analysed research relating to caregiver empowerment in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) music interventions. As many as 70% of mothers and 30% of fathers face mental health disruptions in the NICU. Because of this, there is an identified need to address parental health and wellbeing in the NICU. Literature on empowering parents in the NICU and its potential positive implications on their wellbeing have been examined in other disciplines but have yet to be explored in the context of music therapy. In this study, 28 articles including 27 peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter were examined and coded based on intervention and themes of empowerment. The review explored four facets of empowerment including self-regulation, sensitivity, engagement, and nurturing strengths and potentials. It uncovered that: (a) empowerment can come from a wide variety of music therapy interventions, (b) the most commonly addressed theme of empowerment was self-regulation, followed by nurturing of strengths and potentials, engagement, and sensitivity, and (c) when an article used the word empowerment it always contained at minimum two facets of empowerment. Of the 28 qualifying articles included in this study, 3 (10.7%) included no empowerment themes, 8 (28.6%) included only one theme of empowerment, 8 (28.6%) included two themes of empowerment, 5 (17.9%) included 3 themes of empowerment, and 4 (14.3%) included all four themes of empowerment. These results indicate that further research is needed to investigate the impact, application, and role of empowerment in NICU music therapy with caregivers. Future research and recommendations are presented.