This thesis aims to explore the predictive ability of pre-operative patient characteristics on functional outcomes following an open Latarjet procedure for shoulder instability. A prospective cohort analysis of patients who had received an open Latarjet procedure from September 2009 to February 2021 was conducted. Potential predictors included general patient information (age, number of dislocations, sport level before surgery, joint hypermobility), pre-operative scores on QuickDASH and WOSI questionnaires, and pre-operative measurements of shoulder ROM, strength, and proprioception. Data was collected during a pre-operative evaluation, and follow-up measures were gathered at 6- and 12-months after surgery. Data analysis included one-way ANOVAs to determine if outcomes improved over the follow-up periods; univariate and multivariate analyses identified predictive variables of function and quality of life measures. For general patient information and pre-operative functional scores, results identified joint hypermobility, sport level, and pre-operative WOSI scores as predictors of post-operative function and quality of life. Regarding shoulder ROM, strength, and proprioception, there appears to be a relationship in their predictive ability of post-operative functional outcomes. However, a larger sample size is needed to substantiate these results. These results could carry important clinical implications, as the significant predictors of surgical outcomes have the potential to be modified or improved upon prior to surgery. Using these predictors, surgeons would be able to make predictions regarding the individual needs of their patient. By incorporating preoperative functional measures that can be altered, patients may be able to reduce their levels of preoperative dysfunction yielding a better outcome from their surgery.