The simplicial volume is a non-negative real valued homotopy invariant of closed connected manifolds measuring how efficient the fundamental class can be represented by real singular cycles. The problem of determining whether the simplicial volume of a given manifold is non-zero has been a challenge. It is known that the simplicial volume of negatively curved manifolds is positive [15]. Losing the negative bound on the sectional curvature, it has been shown that locally symmetric spaces of non-compact type have positive simplicial volume [21]. In their 2018 paper, C.Connell and S.Wang showed that the simplicial volume Xn \ of n-manifolds with non-positive sectional curvature and negative 4 ` 1 -Ricci curvature have positive simplicial volume, which confirms the Gromov’s conjecture in special cases. The conjecture states that the simplicial volume of manifolds with non-positive sectional curvature and negative Ricci-curvature is positive. In this master thesis we will introduce required notions and preliminaries and present detailed proofs of the results mentioned above.