Abstract Stewards of Sustainability: A Theological Analysis of the Relationship Between the Anglican Church of Canada, The Climate Change Crisis, and Sustainability Michael Leblanc The purpose of this thesis is to help the discussion of the Anglican Church of Canada and the climate change crisis evolve into a practical plan of climate action within a theological hermeneutic. This thesis uses Gordon D. Kaufman’s constructive theological method to showcase different ecological theologies and hermeneutics from a variety of different experts like Michael S. Northcott, Denis Edwards, Willis Jenkins, and Wendell Berry. In examining numerous avenues, the research proposes that the Anglican Church of Canada should join the Green Churches Network in a massive scale project. This community-oriented project would lead to expediating climate action through processes like tree planting, building alternative energy infrastructure, and updating current structures towards more efficient models. This massive project would be held together by theological reasoning, belief, community effort, and the goal of sustaining and protecting creation under the movement of ecological conversion. KEY WORDS: Climate change, Climate change crisis, Greenhouse gases (GHGs), Coping range, Vector-borne diseases, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Ecological Conversion, Humanocentric, Theocentric, Ecocentric, Ecojustice, Christian Stewardship, Creation Spirituality, Fruitful Resistance, Community, Atonement, Wholeness, Constructive theological method, Christomorphic, Historicism, Pragmatism, The Green Churches Network