Without air pollution, our life expectancy would increase by 34 months. With a commons-based economy, each and every human could afford medical care (vs one in two today). How not to produce risks? How to foster mutual care? We, people across regions and disciplines, get engaged to value pluralism and collective wisdom. We embrace play as a natural way to experiment, socialize, learn. We document and share our work so that everyone can freely use, study, improve, adapt it. In traditional medtech, corporate experts build a technical tool to manage a disease. Sealed in a black box, its price make it unaffordable to some. At Breathing Games, volunteer, diverse contributors co-create an evolving, rewarding, immersive story to promote holistic health. Free to use, study, improve, its gratuity helps develop solidarity. We present here our games (Asthma Heroes, Asthmonautes, Rise); controllers (Spirotroller enhanced, Spirotroller gaming, Breathing gamepad); creation as research (game testing, controller testing, games co-creation, translations); our next steps (international study, game accessibility via Raspberry Pi, link to air pollution sensor); and our advocacy activities for health as commons.