@MISC{WHO, title={Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) factsheets,}, author={WHO}, year={2016}, publisher={http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/}, } @article{Beasley, author = {Beasley, Ryan A.}, title = {Medical Robots: Current Systems and Research Directions}, journal = {Journal of Robotics}, volume = {13}, number = {11}, pages = {1165-1168}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Hindawi Publishing Corporation}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/401613}, note ={PMID: 26377605}, } @ARTICLE{8678797, author={A. {Hooshiar} and S. {Najarian} and J. {Dargahi}}, journal={IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering}, title={Haptic Telerobotic Cardiovascular Intervention: A Review of Approaches, Methods, and Future Perspectives}, year={2020}, volume={13}, number={}, pages={32-50}, doi={10.1109/RBME.2019.2907458} } @Article{Jain2017, author={Jain, K. K.}, title={Personalized Management of Cardiovascular Disorders}, journal={Medical Principles and Practice}, year={2017}, volume={26}, number={5}, pages={399-414}, abstract={Personalized management of cardiovascular disorders (CVD), also referred to as personalized or precision cardiology in accordance with general principles of personalized medicine, is selection of the best treatment for an individual patient. It involves the integration of various ``omics'' technologies such as genomics and proteomics as well as other new technologies such as nanobiotechnology. Molecular diagnostics and biomarkers are important for linking diagnosis with therapy and monitoring therapy. Because CVD involve perturbations of large complex biological networks, a systems biology approach to CVD risk stratification may be used for improving risk-estimating algorithms, and modeling of personalized benefit of treatment may be helpful for guiding the choice of intervention. Bioinformatics tools are helpful in analyzing and integrating large amounts of data from various sources. Personalized therapy is considered during drug development, including methods of targeted drug delivery and clinical trials. Individualized recommendations consider multiple factors - genetic as well as epigenetic - for patients' risk of heart disease. Examples of personalized treatment are those of chronic myocardial ischemia, heart failure, and hypertension. Similar approaches can be used for the management of atrial fibrillation and hypercholesterolemia, as well as the use of anticoagulants. Personalized management includes pharmacotherapy, surgery, lifestyle modifications, and combinations thereof. Further progress in understanding the pathomechanism of complex cardiovascular diseases and identification of causative factors at the individual patient level will provide opportunities for the development of personalized cardiology. Application of principles of personalized medicine will improve the care of the patients with CVD.}, issn={1011-7571}, doi={10.1159/000481403}, url={https://www.karger.com/DOI/10.1159/000481403}, url={https://doi.org/10.1159/000481403} } @Article{Rafii-Tari2017, author={Rafii-Tari, Hedyeh and Payne, Christopher J. and Bicknell, Colin and Kwok, Ka-Wai and Cheshire, Nicholas J. W. and Riga, Celia and Yang, Guang-Zhong}, title={Objective Assessment of Endovascular Navigation Skills with Force Sensing}, journal={Annals of Biomedical Engineering}, year={2017}, month={May}, day={01}, volume={45}, number={5}, pages={1315-1327}, abstract={Despite the increasing popularity of endovascular intervention in clinical practice, there remains a lack of objective and quantitative metrics for skill evaluation of endovascular techniques. Data relating to the forces exerted during endovascular procedures and the behavioral patterns of endovascular clinicians is currently limited. This research proposes two platforms for measuring tool forces applied by operators and contact forces resulting from catheter--tissue interactions, as a means of providing accurate, objective metrics of operator skill within a realistic simulation environment. Operator manipulation patterns are compared across different experience levels performing various complex catheterization tasks, and different performance metrics relating to tool forces, catheter motion dynamics, and forces exerted on the vasculature are extracted. The results depict significant differences between the two experience groups in their force and motion patterns across different phases of the procedures, with support vector machine (SVM) classification showing cross-validation accuracies as high as 90{\%} between the two skill levels. This is the first robust study, validated across a large pool of endovascular specialists, to present objective measures of endovascular skill based on exerted forces. The study also provides significant insights into the design of optimized metrics for improved training and performance assessment of catheterization tasks.}, issn={1573-9686}, doi={10.1007/s10439-017-1791-y}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-017-1791-y} } @article{RAFIITARI20161422, title = {Reducing contact forces in the arch and supra-aortic vessels using the Magellan robot}, journal = {Journal of Vascular Surgery}, volume = {64}, number = {5}, pages = {1422-1432}, year = {2016}, issn = {0741-5214}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2015.06.215}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0741521415014640}, author = {Hedyeh Rafii-Tari and Celia V. Riga and Christopher J. Payne and Mohamad S. Hamady and Nicholas J.W. Cheshire and Colin D. Bicknell and Guang-Zhong Yang}, abstract = {Objective Conventional catheter manipulation in the arch and supra-aortic trunks carries a risk of cerebral embolization. This study proposes a platform for detailed quantitative analysis of contact forces (CF) exerted on the vasculature, in order to investigate the potential advantages of robotic navigation. Methods An anthropomorphic phantom representing a type I bovine arch was mounted and coupled onto a force/torque sensor. Three-axis force readings provided an average root-mean-square modulus, indicating the total forces exerted on the phantom. Each of the left subclavian, left common carotid, and right common carotid arteries was cannulated within a simulated endovascular suite with conventional (n = 42) vs robotic techniques (n = 30) by two operator groups: experts and novices. The procedure path was divided into three phases, and performance metrics corresponding to mean and maximum forces, force impact over time, standard deviation of forces, and number of significant catheter contacts with the arterial wall were extracted. Results Overall, median CF were reduced from 1.20 N (interquartile range [IQR], 0.98-1.56 N) to 0.31 N (IQR, 0.26-0.40 N; P < .001) for the right common carotid artery; 1.59 N (IQR, 1.11-1.85 N) to 0.33 N (IQR, 0.29-0.43 N; P < .001) for the left common carotid artery; and 0.84 N (IQR, 0.47-1.08 N) to 0.10 N (IQR, 0.07-0.17 N; P < .001) for the left subclavian artery. Robotic navigation resulted in significant reductions for the mean and maximum forces for each procedural phase. Significant improvements were also seen in other metrics, particularly at the target vessel ostium and for the more anatomically challenging procedural phases. Force reductions using robotic technology were evident for both novice and expert groups. Conclusions Robotic navigation can potentially reduce CF and catheter-tissue contact points in an in vitro model, by enhancing catheter stability and control during endovascular manipulation.} } @article{https://doi.org/10.1002/rcs.301, author = {Srimathveeravalli, Govindarajan and Kesavadas, Thenkurussi and Li, Xinyan}, title = {Design and fabrication of a robotic mechanism for remote steering and positioning of interventional devices}, journal = {The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {160-170}, keywords = {endovascular surgery, guidewire manipulation, telerobotics, haptics}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/rcs.301}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/rcs.301}, eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/rcs.301}, abstract = {Abstract Background Recently, robotic systems have been introduced as a method for assisting endovascular interventional procedures. A few commercial and research solutions are available. In a survey it was found that none of the current systems satisfied all basic design requirements set forth for a good robot-assisted therapy platform. Methods A human motion analysis study was performed to identify design specifications for safe motion and force limits for endovascular surgery. Based on design requirements from surveyed systems and motion analysis, a new, teleoperated, haptically enabled system called System for Endovascular Teleoperated Access (SETA) was constructed. SETA is capable of simultaneously manipulating any guidewire and catheter in the range of 0.014–0.13 inches. Results SETA's slave was evaluated for precision positioning, using in vitro vascular phantoms. It was also evaluated by a cohort of neurovascular surgeons and fellows (n = 8), using the VIST vascular simulator. A qualitative survey of the participants and a quantitative analysis of metrics procedure time and contrast used found that SETA was equivalent to manual intervention on this platform. Conclusions SETA provided good performance in the in vitro studies, and will soon be evaluated in a series of in vivo animal model studies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, year = {2010} } @article{alkhalaf2020enhanced, title = {Composite magnetorheological elastomers for tactile displays: Enhanced MR-effect through bi-layer composition}, journal = {Composites Part B: Engineering}, volume = {190}, pages = {107888}, year = {2020}, issn = {1359-8368}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.107888}, author = {Ali Alkhalaf and Amir Hooshiar and Javad Dargahi}, } @article{Yu2015nonparametric, author = {Yang Yu and Yancheng Li and Jianchun Li}, title ={Nonparametric modeling of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator based on artificial neural network optimized by ant colony algorithm}, journal = {Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures}, volume = {26}, number = {14}, pages = {1789-1798}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1177/1045389X15577649}, } @article{Fu_2016, doi = {10.1088/0964-1726/25/12/125019}, year = {2016}, month = {nov}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {25}, number = {12}, pages = {125019}, author = {Jie Fu and Guanyao Liao and Miao Yu and Peidong Li and Junjie Lai}, title = {{NARX} neural network modeling and robustness analysis of magnetorheological elastomer isolator}, journal = {Smart Materials and Structures}, } @article{brancati2020combined, author = {Renato Brancati and Giandomenico Di Massa and Stefano Pagano and Alberto Petrillo and Stefania Santini}, title ={A combined neural network and model predictive control approach for ball transfer unit–magnetorheological elastomer–based vibration isolation of lightweight structures}, journal = {Journal of Vibration and Control}, volume = {26}, number = {19-20}, pages = {1668-1682}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1177/1077546320902316}, } @ARTICLE{vatandoost2019supervised, author={H. {Vatandoost} and S. M. {Sajjadi Alehashem} and M. {Norouzi} and H. {Taghavifar} and Y. {Ni}}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}, title={A Supervised Artificial Neural Network-Assisted Modeling of Magnetorheological Elastomers in Tension–Compression Mode}, year={2019}, volume={55}, number={12}, pages={1-8}, doi={10.1109/TMAG.2019.2942804}, ISSN={1941-0069}, month={Dec}, } @article{Behrooz2014, doi = {10.1088/0964-1726/23/4/045014}, year = 2014, month = {mar}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {045014}, author = {Majid Behrooz and Xiaojie Wang and Faramarz Gordaninejad}, title = {Performance of a new magnetorheological elastomer isolation system}, journal = {Smart Materials and Structures}, abstract = {This paper presents the performance of a new magnetorheological elastomer-based semi-active/passive variable stiffness and damping isolator (VSDI) in a scaled building system. The force of the VSDI can be controlled in real time by varying the applied magnetic field. To demonstrate the performance of the VSDI, four prototypes are built and utilized in a scaled three-story building. A Lyapunov-based control strategy is employed and it is demonstrated that it works well for the scaled building system under the scaled El Centro earthquake motion. Experimental results show that the VSDIs significantly reduce the acceleration and relative displacement of the building floors.} } @article{leng2018modeling, title={Modeling the behaviors of magnetorheological elastomer isolator in shear-compression mixed mode utilizing artificial neural network optimized by fuzzy algorithm (ANNOFA)}, author={Leng, Dingxin and Xu, Kai and Ma, Yong and Liu, Guijie and Sun, Lingyu}, journal={Smart Materials and Structures}, volume={27}, number={11}, pages={115026}, year={2018}, publisher={IOP Publishing} } @inproceedings{guo2016high, title={High precise haptic device for the robotic catheter navigation system}, author={Guo, Shuxiang and Qin, Mingyang and Xiao, Nan and Wang, Yuan and Peng, Weili and Bao, Xianqiang}, booktitle={2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation}, pages={2524--2529}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} } @article{Mensah2019Global, author = {George A. Mensah and Gregory A. Roth and Valentin Fuster }, title = {The Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors: 2020 and Beyond}, journal = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology}, volume = {74}, number = {20}, pages = {2529-2532}, year = {2019}, } @article{dargahi2019properties, title={On the properties of magnetorheological elastomers in shear mode: Design, fabrication and characterization}, author={Dargahi, Ashkan and Sedaghati, Ramin and Rakheja, Subhash}, journal={Composites Part B: Engineering}, volume={159}, pages={269--283}, year={2019}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{Behrooz_2014, doi = {10.1088/0964-1726/23/4/045014}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/23/4/045014}, year = 2014, month = {mar}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {045014}, author = {Majid Behrooz and Xiaojie Wang and Faramarz Gordaninejad}, title = {Performance of a new magnetorheological elastomer isolation system}, journal = {Smart Materials and Structures}, abstract = {This paper presents the performance of a new magnetorheological elastomer-based semi-active/passive variable stiffness and damping isolator (VSDI) in a scaled building system. The force of the VSDI can be controlled in real time by varying the applied magnetic field. To demonstrate the performance of the VSDI, four prototypes are built and utilized in a scaled three-story building. A Lyapunov-based control strategy is employed and it is demonstrated that it works well for the scaled building system under the scaled El Centro earthquake motion. Experimental results show that the VSDIs significantly reduce the acceleration and relative displacement of the building floors.} } @article{boczkowska2007microstructure, title={Microstructure--property relationships of urethane magnetorheological elastomers}, author={Boczkowska, Anna and Awietjan, Stefan F and Wroblewski, Rafal}, journal={Smart Materials and Structures}, volume={16}, number={5}, pages={1924}, year={2007}, publisher={IOP Publishing} } @article{boczkowska2009smart, title={Smart composites of urethane elastomers with carbonyl iron}, author={Boczkowska, Anna and Awietjan, Stefan F}, journal={Journal of Materials Science}, volume={44}, number={15}, pages={4104--4111}, year={2009}, publisher={Springer} } @article{chen2007investigation, title={Investigation on magnetorheological elastomers based on natural rubber}, author={Chen, Lin and Gong, Xing-long and Jiang, Wan-quan and Yao, Jing-jing and Deng, Hua-xia and Li, Wei-hua}, journal={Journal of Materials Science}, 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@Article{Kanagaratnam2008, author={Kanagaratnam, Prapa and Koa-Wing, Michael and Wallace, Daniel T. and Goldenberg, Alex S. and Peters, Nicholas S. and Davies, D. Wyn}, title={Experience of robotic catheter ablation in humans using a novel remotely steerable catheter sheath}, journal={Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing}, year={2008}, month={Jan}, edition={2008/01/18}, publisher={Springer US}, volume={21}, number={1}, pages={19-26}, keywords={Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Arrhythmias, Cardiac/*diagnosis/*surgery; Body Surface Potential Mapping/*instrumentation/methods; Catheter Ablation/*instrumentation/methods; Equipment Design; Equipment Failure Analysis; Female; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Pilot Projects; Robotics/*instrumentation/methods; Surgery, Computer-Assisted/*instrumentation/methods; Telemedicine/*instrumentation/methods; Treatment Outcome; Young Adult}, abstract={BACKGROUND: A novel remotely controlled steerable guide catheter has been developed to enable precise manipulation and stable positioning of any eight French (Fr) or smaller electrophysiological catheter within the heart for the purposes of mapping and ablation. OBJECTIVE: To report our initial experience using this system for remotely performing catheter ablation in humans. METHODS: Consecutive patients attending for routine ablation were recruited. Various conventional diagnostic catheters were inserted through the left femoral vein in preparation for treating an accessory pathway (n = 1), atrial flutter (n = 2) and atrial fibrillation (n = 7). The steerable guide catheter was inserted into the right femoral vein through which various irrigated and non-irrigated tip ablation catheters were used. Conventional endpoints of loss of pathway conduction, bidirectional cavotricuspid isthmus block and four pulmonary vein isolation were used to determine acute procedural success. RESULTS: Ten patients underwent remote catheter ablation using conventional and/or 3D non-fluoroscopic mapping technologies. All procedural endpoints were achieved using the robotic control system without manual manipulation of the ablation catheter. There was no major complication. A radiation dosimeter positioned next to the operator 2.7 m away from the X-ray source showed negligible exposure despite a mean cumulative dose area product of 7,281.4 cGycm(2) for all ten ablation procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Safe and clinically effective remote navigation of ablation catheters can be achieved using a novel remotely controlled steerable guide catheter in a variety of arrhythmias. The system is compatible with current mapping and ablation technologies Remote navigation substantially reduces radiation exposure to the operator.}, note={18202905[pmid]}, note={PMC2262917[pmcid]}, issn={1572-8595}, doi={10.1007/s10840-007-9184-z}, url={https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18202905}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10840-007-9184-z}, language={eng} } @Article{Ramcharitar2008, author={Ramcharitar, Steve and Patterson, Mark S. and van Geuns, Robert Jan and van Meighem, Carlos and Serruys, Patrick W.}, title={Technology Insight: magnetic navigation in coronary interventions}, journal={Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine}, year={2008}, month={Mar}, day={01}, volume={5}, number={3}, pages={148-156}, abstract={Magnetically guided navigation of a wire or devicein vivocould increase the accuracy of angiographic intervention significantly, especially in tortuous or chronic occluded arteries. In this Technology Insight, Ramcharitar and colleagues examine this novel technology and provide an up-to-date analysis of what is currently possible and an insight to what the future holds.}, issn={1743-4300}, doi={10.1038/ncpcardio1095}, url={https://doi.org/10.1038/ncpcardio1095} } @article{article, author = {Dugas, Chad and Schussler, Jeffrey}, year = {2016}, month = {02}, pages = {}, title = {Advanced Technology in Interventional Cardiology – A Roadmap for the Future of Precision Coronary Interventions}, volume = {26}, journal = {Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine}, doi = {10.1016/j.tcm.2016.02.003} } @article{HAUSEGGER200122, title = {Complications in endoluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms}, journal = {European Journal of Radiology}, volume = {39}, number = {1}, pages = {22-33}, year = {2001}, issn = {0720-048X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0720-048X(01)00339-4}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0720048X01003394}, author = {Klaus A Hausegger and Peter Schedlbauer and Hannes A. Deutschmann and Kurt Tiesenhausen}, keywords = {Abdominal aortic aneurysms, Complications, Endoluminal repair}, abstract = {In this review the technical and systemic complications occurring during endoluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms are summarized. According to the data in the literature the technical success-rate of the endoluminal procedure should be >90% and the overall complication-rate <10%. It should be differentiated between complications which have an adverse effect on the outcome of the procedure, and technical problems, which complicate the procedure but do not affect the outcome. The majority of the technical problems can be solved endoluminally. The 30-day mortality rate should be in the same range as elective open surgical repair. 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