The division between Christian faith and secular reason is one that can often seem rather obvious, particularly in certain American Protestant areas; however, history shows that such a separation is a relatively new, and relatively American, development in the faith-reason relationship. Christian Patriarchs used pagan Greek philosophy in their work, Reformers advocated for public schooling, and the Enlightenment itself had roots in Christianity, with several of the most prominent thinkers of the time being devout believers. It is only in America where this tense, but amicable relationship truly broke down due to the events of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, Tennessee, which resulted in the public mockery of a group self-identified as fundamentalists. This group came to view secularity in all forms as an enemy, and built itself an identity rooted in anti-intellectualism, thus reinforcing the idea that secular reason and true faith could never mix. This belief grew so central and prominent within the group that it has since expanded beyond the walls of their churches and into their public life, influencing politics and policy in America to favor them while taking down any they view as an enemy. This division is ultimately disastrous for the continuation of the Land of the Free the United States Founding Fathers had dreamed of, so the gap must be closed. It will be a long process, but with proper communication and a willingness to listen, it is fully possible.