The initiation features of two-dimensional, oblique detonations from a wedge in a stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture are investigated via numerical simulations using the reactive Euler equations with detailed chemistry. A parametric study is performed to analyze the effect of inflow pressure P0, and Mach number M0 on the initiation structure and length. The present numerical results demonstrate that the two transition patterns, i.e., an abrupt transition from a multi-wave point connecting the oblique shock and the detonation surface and a smooth transition via a curved shock, depend strongly on the inflow Mach number, while the inflow pressure is found to have little effect on the oblique shock-to-detonation transition type. The present results also reveal a slightly more complex structure of abrupt transition type in the case of M0 = 7.0, consisting of various chemical and gasdynamic processes in the shocked gas mixtures. The present results show quantitatively that the initiation length decreases with increasing M0, primarily due to the increase of post-shock temperature. Furthermore, the effect of M0 on initiation length is independent of P0, but given the same M0, the initiation length is found to be inversely proportional to P0. Theoretical analysis based on the constant volume combustion (CVC) theory is also performed, and the results are close to the numerical simulations in the case of high M0 regardless of P0, demonstrating that the post-oblique-shock condition, i.e., post-shock temperature, is the key parameter affecting the initiation. At decreasing M0, the CVC theory breaks down, suggesting a switch from chemical kinetics-controlled to a wave-controlled gasdynamic process. For high inflow pressure P0 at decreasing M0, the CVC theoretical estimations depart from numerical results faster than those of low P0, due to the presence of the non-monotonic effects of chemical kinetic limits in hydrogen oxidation at high pressure.