While the concept of inclusivity in advertisement is becoming more universal, male-dominated industries might see a counter effect when adapting their advertisement and including more diversity. This research examines how gender inclusivity in video game advertisements influences consumer responses. It empirically tested in 2x2 experiments whether gender inclusive (vs. gender non-inclusive) advertising impacted consumers’ (male vs females) likeability of the ad and purchase intentions. Study 1 found that male consumers reported a significantly lower liking of the gender inclusive (versus gender non-inclusive) ad compared to female consumers, however, this adverse effect was not replicated for purchase intention. Study 2 tested the mediating role of perception of endorser competence, as well as the role of perception of fit of the ad to the video game industry, but the results are not significant. This research provides insights for marketers that want to penetrate female markets in the video gaming industry. Additional implications and future research ideas are also discussed.