The quantum consciousness paradigm explains that our consciousness is immortal, non-local and can work independently of the physical brain and supports a multidimensional view of the human mind. Everything is connected in the universe, and we are just part of this great network of connected consciousness that are becoming aware of this great reality. The quantum consciousness paradigm explains there is no present, future and past but only a constant present. The quantum mind is responsible for the paradigms being constantly renewed, because the level of consciousness in the human is growing, awakening and evolving. The human kind is always evolving and what was called before religion then becomes science in modern times. The chapter aims at linking several spiritual teachings with the quantum paradigm such as the gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene that supports the idea of a unified quantum field. We are immortal and timeless, once we identify with the eternal reality and consistent with the quantum vision, we will enter the new paradigms of quantum consciousness.