This thesis provides a historical and holistic overview of the etiology of homosexuality from the nineteenth century with the emergence of the scientific study of sex and the birth of sexual modernism up until the present. Today, the scientific literature leans heavily toward a biological explanation, while still taking into consideration environmental and cultural factors. Furthermore, this thesis offers a multi-variant definition of homosexuality primarily based on Camille Paglia’s definition of homosexuality as an adaptation. This thesis also aligns itself with the work of Ritch Savin-Williams who puts forth a fluid, continuum-based model of sexuality as opposed to Michael Bailey’s categorical model. Furthermore, I explore how Canadian philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan’s notions of openness, conversion and authenticity shed light on the continual need for self-questioning and self-knowledge; scientific data suggests that sexual orientation is not immutable and can change, but authenticity in turn requires that the human person be open, attentive and receptive to such current and future possibilities. Lastly, my manuscript’s intended purpose is to offer a fair and realistic understanding of homosexuality that involves taking note of the advantages and shortcomings of homosexuality. Crucial questions raised by my research include: What is the etiology of homosexuality? What is the cultural, philosophical and theological significance of homosexuality? What role do critical thinking and self-knowledge play in sexual ethics? Is it sensical to speak of the human person in terms of a binary of ‘straight/gay’ when much of the scientific literature points to a fluid continuum of sexual desire?