Guide to Studying the Visual Arts in Canada is an open source, free e-publication published by the Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Canadian Art, Concordia University. The objectives of the guide are: to facilitate study and teaching; to encourage pedagogical innovation and research; to improve learning through the sharing of resources and exchange of information; to increase the availability, accessibility, and use of print and online resources; to provide resources beyond the reach of individual universities, libraries, archives, museums, and resource centres; and to stimulate the improvement of online resources and the production of new resources. The Guide to Studying the Visual Arts in Canada is a snapshot of the field at this moment. It consists of sources available in 2022. We recognize that resources are constantly being produced that collect, organize, and preserve digital information. This means that links to some sources may disappear as new resources are made available. We also realize that over time the profiles of people and descriptions of places will change. We will attempt to update Guide to Studying the Visual Arts in Canada every few years.