The Urban Sprawl Metrics (USM) Toolset is a geographic information system (GIS) toolset and was developed using Python and C+ languages. The USM Toolset was developed to facilitate the calculation of Weighted Urban Proliferation (WUP) and all components of urban sprawl for landscapes that include built-up areas, e.g., dispersion (DIS), land uptake per person (LUP). The Toolset is straightforward to use. The language of the user interface is English. The Toolset requires three input data: (1) the binary map of built-up areas (settlements areas and/or solitary buildings), in raster format; (2) the geometry of reporting unit(s) (e.g., municipalities, districts, or a grid of a certain cell size) in vector format; and (3) the number of inhabitants and jobs for the reporting unit(s) (this information must be saved by the user in the attribute table of the reporting unit(s) shapefile); and (4) the share of settleable area for the reporting units to calculate WUPb (optional). To practice the use of the Toolset, 13 examples are included.