This project examined if online dance classes could provide a safe and accessible method for older women to improve their physical activity levels and reduce their risk of falls. Women aged 65 years and above were recruited to complete 12 weeks of twice-weekly 75-minute interventions, and were evaluated pre, mid and post via 30-second trials of quiet standing, the star excursion balance test (SEBT), 30-second Sit-to-Stand (30-CST) and the Calf Raise Senior (CRS). Significance was evaluated using non-parametric statistics (p≤.05). Participants demonstrated high attendance rates (80.4 ± 13.8%), decreased mediolateral sway during eyes closed (pre-mid p=.003) and foam conditions (pre-mid p=.02), with smaller sway area for foam conditions (pre-mid p=.015), larger reaches on the SEBT (lateral: pre-mid p=.008, pre-post p=.008; posterior-lateral: pre-post p=.009) and higher number or CRS repetitions (mid-post p=.02, pre-post p=.015). A follow-up study was conducted to try and overcome intensity limitations encountered with the online environment by using blood flow restriction (BFR). Participants completed 12-weeks of online dance classes with half the group randomized to wear BFR cuffs. No improvements were found among the control group. Participants in the BFR group demonstrated increases in strength on the 30-CST (pre-mid p=.042; pre-post p=.039) and greater reaches on the SEBT in medial (mid-post p=.043) and posterior-medial directions (pre-post p=.043). Online dance classes are an effective, safe and accessible fall prevention program and the addition of low-cost BFR cuffs further enhances strength and dynamic balance, thereby increasing independence and quality of life through older age.