The objective of this study is to better understand the involvement of anti-aging plant extracts on the lipidome. My hypothesis was that some of the previously studied twenty-one age-delaying plant extracts extend aging by altering lipid and free fatty acid synthesis and/or metabolism. To test this hypothesis, my thesis analyzed the lipidome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae after treatment with Plant Extract 4, 6, 12, 21, 26, and 39, all of which have been previously shown to delay aging. The lipids were extracted from the treated and untreated S. cerevisiae and analyzed by a Mass Spectrometer. My results revealed that the six plant extracts enhanced the level of certain lipids and significantly decreased the level of free fatty acids. Similar results were obtained in a previous study done on caloric restriction, where caloric restriction enhanced the level of lipids and decreased the level of free fatty acids. Notably, while some lipids increased or decreased, during both caloric restriction and plant extract exposure, there was a general trend for free fatty acids to decrease, supporting that they may have a more consistent role in aging compared to lipids.