This thesis is an account of my experience of living-with a place through Research-Creation and Heuristics. During the summer of 2023 I walked and recorded the city of Montreal, exploring what experimental video could teach me about being in a place and what it might inform my pedagogical thinking and future practice. While recording every day and returning to the archives, I created four experimental videos, six post-edition images from the stills included as In-between sections connecting chapters along the text, and an art website. All these Research-Creation results relate to the experience of feeling a place and climate change. Noticing those sometimes small or big, yet always heavy differences from day to day, mingled with what is expected of a season, concepts of grief of landscape, weirdness and living-with are strongly connected to the findings. This thesis concludes with the conception of a teaching philosophy that reflects on how this research has influenced my art and educational thinking of living in the era of the Pyrocene.