Approximately 5%-20% of preschool children exhibit significant challenging behaviours within the classroom, stemming from underlying behavioural or emotional difficulties (Campbell, 1995; Charach et al., 2020). However, most early childhood educators do not feel supported or equipped to handle these challenging behaviours due to a lack of training and resources, low confidence, and a growing pressure to perform (Arnold et al., 2006; Moore et al., 2017). This qualitative research study investigated the impact of implementing Behavioural Consultation (Kratochwill & Bergan, 1990) in preschool classrooms to support educators who intervened with children with behaviour challenges. Collaborative meetings with educators over the course of 10 weeks were implemented to investigate changes in educators’ knowledge of children’s behavioural needs, educators’ knowledge of appropriate strategies, educators’ self-efficacy, and children’s display of challenging behaviours. Findings from pre- and post- intervention interviews, questionnaires, and child observations were analysed. Thematic coding revealed that preschool educators’ experiences with the consultation process partially improved their self-efficacy when they used more developmentally appropriate behaviour strategies that positively impacted the children’s behaviours. Educators’ use of positive behavioural strategies matched the children’s developmental and individual needs and served to improve the educators’ perceptions of the children. These findings have implications for designing professional development programs in preschool settings to support educators who intervene with children with behavioural difficulties.