This study examined the effects of beetroot powder on acute and chronic anaerobic sprint intervals (RST) and muscular endurance (MET). In a quasi-experimental design 7 male MMA athletes with 2+ years’ experience was given 13mmol/L beet powder (BRJ) mixed with 500ml of water 2-3 hours before RST and MET 72h after completing a baseline test. Following the acute test participants were given BRJ for 21-days which followed a wash out period for 21-days. Measurements during the RST taken; lactate levels, punch power, punch speed, total punches, and total kicks. Measurements during the MET were lactate levels and total reps. The results of the current study showed an increase in total workload in the acute setting for total punches p>0.05 ES 0.65, kicks p = 0.07 ES 0.82, chest passes p<0.05 ES 1 and squat pick-ups p<0.05 ES 0.89. Lactate values during RST at the 1-minute and 3- minute mark showed a p>0.05 with an ES of 0.32 and 0.26. The MET lactate values showed a p>0.05 ES 0.25 at the 1-minute mark and p=0.01 ES 1.28 at the 3-minute mark. Chronic testing showed a total increase in workload for total punches p=0.008 η² = .55 and a power value of 0.86, P = 0.01, η² = .49 and a power value of 0.77. Lactate values at the one- and three-minute mark P = 0.92 and P = 0.31, η² = .13, η² = .24 with a power value of 0.17 and 0.31. The MET testing showed an P < 0.001, η² = .69 and a power value of 0.98 for chest passes and P < 0.001, η² = .87 and a power value of 1.0 for squat pick-ups. Lactate values at the one- and three- minute mark for chest passes showed a P = 0.45 η² = 0.12, P = 0.09, η² = .33, with a power value of 0.16 and 0.46. Medball squat pick-ups at the one- and three- minute mark showed a P<0.001 η² = .71, P<0.001 η² = .82 with a power value of 0.99 and 1.0. In conclusion BRJ has an acute and chronic benefit on sports performance in MMA athletes with the ability to increase total workload, decreased fatigue perception and improve muscular endurance blood lactate values with a moderate to large ES benefit.