Current solutions for blood pressure monitoring can be classified as invasive or non-invasive, both with drawbacks. Invasive blood pressure monitoring can lead to complications. Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring is intermittent which leads to missed episodes of hypertension and hy- potension, also leading to complications. The state of the art for blood pressure monitoring through machine learning methods usually requires personalization, which is prohibitive in a clinical appli- cation. These proposed methods are generally not evaluated for clinical application. Datasets are usually split randomly, while a patient-wise split is required. We first start by performing a survey of the literature to find candidate models for evaluation. These models are reproduced for evaluation alongside our proposed models. Popular input modal- ities from the literature are also reproduced with our proposed input modality. All combinations of models and input modalities are then evaluated against a patient-wise and random split. We perform a learning curve analysis to estimate how much data would be required to pass the AAMI standard. The performance results establish that no model can provide calibration-free, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring using a single PPG site. The performance metrics show that our models and input modalities outperform the state of the art for random and patient-wise splits. Comparison against the models demonstrates that model complexity is insufficient to achieve better performance and that better preprocessing is a more efficient way to improve performance. The learning-curve analysis estimates that additional data could help achieve a model that passes the AAMI standard.