The widespread use of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) has reshaped migration. Individuals with the agency to decide on a migration destination rely on social media platforms to guide their decision-making process. While scholars have highlighted the relevance of online spaces for migrants, there is a gap in exploring which digital actors facilitate migration and the type of information conveyed to aspiring migrants. This thesis studied the role of Brazilian immigrant influencers on Instagram in building Canada's destination reputation to shape co-national destination choices to fill this gap. For this purpose, this project relied on the content analysis of 30 Instagram posts from five Brazilian immigrant influencers and ten interviews with Brazilian newcomers residing in Canada. This thesis found that influencers convey an overtly positive representation of Canada, the 'Canadian Paradise,' by sharing partial and exaggerated information that compares life in Brazil and Canada. As a second finding, newcomers shifted their views after migrating and now believe that Brazilian immigrant influencers acted guided by economic motivations. These findings indicate that Brazilian immigrant influencers are digital migration intermediaries who rely on idealized representations of Canada to promote migration-related services, which reveals the emergence of a digital migration industry.